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VJ Management Logo

15 Jarman House, Hawkstone Road, London SE16 2PW
Tel: 020 7237 8953 Mobile: 07837 832203 E-mail:Valerie@VJMgt.co.uk

VJ Management - Representing Actors for Film, TV, Theatre, Radio and Voiceover

Founder and MD - Valerie Hodson

Valerie began her career at the age of 15, working in the Casting department of Leo Burnett under Kate Canty and took over as Casting Manager at 21. She also worked for Voice Shop and then The International Herald Tribune doing stints in Paris, New York and Singapore offices. After spending 9 years working and travelling around the world she arrived back in London in 2000 and joined the Richard Stone Partnership where she stayed until 2012.

On leaving RSP Valerie set up her own agency, VJ MANAGEMENT. Valerie has a select list of highly respected artists including Maurice Thorogood, David Hampshire, Deborah Baxter, Maggie Bourgein, Charmaine Parsons, Samantha BĂ©art, Georgia Clarke-Day, Charlotte Newton John and Paul Valentine.

Call the numbers above or e-mail for more information.

Richard Ashley
Richard Ashley
Deborah Baxter
Deborah Baxter
Deborah BaxterDeborah Baxter
Samantha Béart
Samantha Béart
Samantha Béart
Samantha Béart
Georgia Bellett
Georgia Bellett
Georgia Bellett
Alabama Boatman
Alabama Boatman
Maggie Bourgein
Maggie Bourgein
Maggie BourgeinMaggie Bourgein
Maggie Bourgein
Molly-Marie Buckley
Molly-Marie Buckley
Mary-Ann Cafferkey
Mary-Ann Cafferkey
Mary-Ann Cafferkey
Mary-Ann Cafferkey
Mari Cameron
Mari Cameron
Kara Chamberlain
Kara Chamberlain
Kara Chamberlain
Sophie Chamberlain
Sophie Chamberlain
Callum Chiplin
Callum Chiplin
Georgia Clarke-Day
Georgia Clarke-Day
Georgia Clarke-Day
Samantha Dilena
Samantha Dilena
Matthew Doman
Matthew Doman
Matthew DomanMatthew Doman
Sharon Eckman
Sharon Eckman
Sharon Eckman
Sharon Eckman
Rosie Edwards
Rosie Edwards
Rosie Edwards
David Hampshire
David Hampshire
David Hampshire
Mark Humphreys
Mark Humphreys
Mark Humphreys
Jamie Hutchins
Jamie Hutchins
Gabrielle Hyland
Gabrielle Hyland
Demi Hylands
Demi Hylands
Chris Ioan-Roberts
Chris Ioan-Roberts
Sheetal Kapoor
Sheetal Kapoor
Sheetal KapoorSheetal Kapoor
Vanina Kondova
Vanina Kondova
Vanina KondovaVanina Kondova
Sallyanne Law
Sallyanne Law
Sallyanne Law
Lucas Livesey
Lucas Livesey
Molly McFarlane
Molly McFarlane
Christopher Miller
Christopher Miller
Charlotte Newton John
Charlotte Newton John
Charlotte Newton JohnCharlotte Newton John
Charlotte Newton John
Charmaine Parsons
Charmaine Parsons
Charmaine Parsons
Alex Pollard
Alex Pollard
Alex Pollard
Juliet Prague
Juliet Prague
Juliet Prague
Bryan Samson
Bryan Samson
Bryan Samson
Samuel Ward-Smith
Samuel Ward-Smith
Emily Stride
Emily Stride
Emily Stride
Emily Stride
Anthony Taylor
Anthony Taylor
Maurice Thorogood
Maurice Thorogood
Maurice Thorogood
Maurice Thorogood
James Timpson
James Timpson
Paul Valentine
Paul Valentine
Paul Valentine
Paul ValentinePaul Valentine
Paul Valentine
Alexandra Vincent
Alexandra Vincent
Alexandra Vincent
Alexandra Vincent
Rhiannon Vivian
Rhiannon Vivian
Katie Walker-Cook
Katie Walker-Cook
Collene Webb
Collene Webb
Collene Webb
David Widdowson
David Widdowson
Julia Winwood
Julia Winwood
Julia Winwood
Christian Zanone
Christian Zanone
Christian Zanone

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